Safe School Program

Physical Activity(PA)

A. About Physical Activity

Performance Goal
  • Advocate and offer sports, luxury and physical education courses. Enhance the physical and mental health through physical activities. Stipulate the safety regulation for personnel, activities and sports utilities.
Primary Job Content
  • Organize sports related courses and games.
  • Manage and maintain the safety of gymnasium, instrument and facilities.
  • Provide physical education teaching plans and course progress records.
  • Monitor the health condition of teachers and students through the promotion and follow-up on physical fitness.

  • Set up Physical Education Instruction Section and Physical Education Activities Section under the Office of Physical Education.
  • All physical education teachers and coaches received CPR and entry-level first-aid trainings.
Policy & Regulations
  • Stipulate safety regulation and guidelines on physical education instruction, exercise facilities, and sports courts.
  • Stipulate guidelines on equipment loans during physical education instructions or activities.
  • Set 2006 as Tamkang Physical Activity Year and promote exercise for everyone.
  • Aggressively organize health and fitness enhancement activities for teachers and students including a physical fitness inspection for all 1st-year freshmen.
  • Utilize the local environmental uniqueness to promote the ocean activity learning opportunities on campus.
  • Investigate and design a campus exercise map.
  • Draft a physical education course curriculum and teaching proposal before implementation.
  • Keep a comprehensively activity record upon implementation.
  • Construct an injury databank for dangerous events occurred during physical activities.
  • Statistically analyze the sports injuries.
  • Record the health condition of teachers and students via individual fitness care passport.
  • Continue the “exercise for everyone” campaign during the Physical Activity Year to increase the exercise population.
  • Host speeches and seminars on physical activities and invite experts for speeches.
  • Share the teaching resources to support the club activities in school.
Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium: photo1
Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium: photo3
Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium: photo2